Monday, September 19, 2011

Howling In The Night

It's a full moon on a cool night, there is not a single cloud in it's way of lighting up the sky with it's brightness. It happens to be on something that you see in the darkness. You can't help but feel the intensity as you look into this creature's eyes, the color seems to pull you in as if there was a rope around your neck. Having exquisite vision day or night, he is constantly observing his environment, hearing everything from a mouse stepping on a twig to an owl swooping down to catch his prey. His fur as thick as snow during a blizzard, yet soft to the touch, he listens. This magnificent creature is a wolf.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you organized the details in this description of a wolf. Please fix the comma splice problem...His fur is thick as snow during a blizzard yet soft to the touch. He listens.
    Love the photo.
