Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Big 5

My big five for life are things that a lot of people wish for. 1. To become a successful in Health Professions. 2. To travel the world. 3. To fall in love and have a healthy relationship. 4. Move up north to a house with a fire place. 5. Go to Australia and visit Steve Irwin's zoo. Once I get to the age of 25 I want most of these to be completed. I feel like I will finally accomplish my goals and reach complete happiness. I will be well off, in a home with my own family, traveling the world with someone who I love is just a wonderful idea. Now that I'm 18, I feel like these 5 things will not change. When I was very young, Steve Irwin, was my idol. I looked up to him and even though he has passed, I still want to visit his zoo and grave. The only thing that could possibly have me re evaluate my big 5 would be changes in the economy. If my business isn't getting business, then I won't have money to pay for the traveling. I know that health is a very good area to be in, so I have no worries.


  1. Sounds like a great plan Ursula.

  2. You have your plan now enjoy yourself doing it.

  3. Hey Ursula, I especially liked the picture and your number 5 for the Big Five for Life... I would love to visit this zoo!

    Your last two sentences are very catchy and a good way to end the paragraph so well done!

    -Sean Corneby
