Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why should I Care?

Facebook has recently come out with new changes that to most are extremely confusing and useless at the same time. Even though these improvements are good, the new improvements have caused important privacy problems. This new "privacy" is requiring more information than most people think. This is also making the website look cluttered, not being easy to use.

I would have to say that Facebook has changed for the absolute worse. I think it is so annoying to see every person's move and what they do. I don't care about it at all. I think it is so stupid to see them posting things on other people's walls that I don't even know. If it was up to me, I'd make it go back to the way it was at first. At this point, I feel like myspace is the better choice. It's easier and not so much information is put out there.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you really "Show" your opinion here rather than just state facts and other peoples opinions. You also add humor to this blog with the comical photo of the boy peeing on the facebook sign! Very funny and a great attention getter.
