Monday, November 14, 2011

If you don't have the time, don't do the crime.

In this poster, it clearly shows that smoking marijuana is against the law and can get you locked up! Most kids in high school and college are the most common marijuana smokers. The background of the poster is multicolored, because of the effects of marijuana. You get extremely high and start to hallucinate. Your eyes become glassy and red. The leaf is green because it is an herb and natural. the reason why the hand cuffs are over the weed is because it is illegal. Breaking the law no matter how minor it is has severe consequences.
My opinion about this poster is neutral. I don't care about people getting high off an herb. It's that person's decision to smoke and knows the risks when doing so. It's better to smoke something natural than smoking something like a cigarette. I think it's stupid that people get arrested over this when there are more severe crimes out there, but at the same time this doesn't effect me.

1 comment:

  1. I like the poster you chose, and I liked how you made the point it was illegal. I think it would be better if you showed more instead of tell, show how high you can get. It was funny to have you in class.
