Monday, November 21, 2011

No H8

       Verb: Feeling intense or passionate dislike for someone or something.
       Noun: Intense or passionate dislike: "feelings of hate"

Due to the internet growing growing fast, people are starting to send hate and or bully behind a computer screen. Little do these "cyber bully's" know that these words can actually affect people to do things much worse than some tears. Due to what society defines "beautiful" or "normal" as kids who are cyber bullied can lead to self harm. Hate can be sent via email, through the mail, to someone's face, or through actions. In the United States alone, people from the ages of 15-24 had a rate of 4,000 suicides in the year of 2004 due to hate recieved.Two huge ways to prevent this crime is to simply go by the old saying, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." This is honestly the easiest thing to do. Another way to prevent this is to simply not do it. There are other ways to soliving a problem than sending hate to someone and saying nasty, vulgar things to a person such as, "Go kill yourself." My opinon about "hate" in general is that you shouldn't say it or send it to people.People shouldn't send hate to anyone based on their religous views, sexual orientation, or what they like to do. It's not your life, so you don't know that person. I believe that there are other ways to solve things. I'm not saying to love everyone, no. You can simply just not talk to them. There is no reason to say hurtful things because I personally know people who have self harmed due to hate from people. It not only affects my friends, but me as well. To put an end to this, I'm constantly telling my friends that if they ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Also, if one of my own friends tries to send hate, I don't let them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice title and graphic. Be sure and use two paragraphs to separate your summary from your response and proofread your work for errors in grammar and mechanics. There are quite a few.
