Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Big 5

My big five for life are things that a lot of people wish for. 1. To become a successful in Health Professions. 2. To travel the world. 3. To fall in love and have a healthy relationship. 4. Move up north to a house with a fire place. 5. Go to Australia and visit Steve Irwin's zoo. Once I get to the age of 25 I want most of these to be completed. I feel like I will finally accomplish my goals and reach complete happiness. I will be well off, in a home with my own family, traveling the world with someone who I love is just a wonderful idea. Now that I'm 18, I feel like these 5 things will not change. When I was very young, Steve Irwin, was my idol. I looked up to him and even though he has passed, I still want to visit his zoo and grave. The only thing that could possibly have me re evaluate my big 5 would be changes in the economy. If my business isn't getting business, then I won't have money to pay for the traveling. I know that health is a very good area to be in, so I have no worries.

Monday, November 21, 2011

No H8

       Verb: Feeling intense or passionate dislike for someone or something.
       Noun: Intense or passionate dislike: "feelings of hate"

Due to the internet growing growing fast, people are starting to send hate and or bully behind a computer screen. Little do these "cyber bully's" know that these words can actually affect people to do things much worse than some tears. Due to what society defines "beautiful" or "normal" as kids who are cyber bullied can lead to self harm. Hate can be sent via email, through the mail, to someone's face, or through actions. In the United States alone, people from the ages of 15-24 had a rate of 4,000 suicides in the year of 2004 due to hate recieved.Two huge ways to prevent this crime is to simply go by the old saying, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." This is honestly the easiest thing to do. Another way to prevent this is to simply not do it. There are other ways to soliving a problem than sending hate to someone and saying nasty, vulgar things to a person such as, "Go kill yourself." My opinon about "hate" in general is that you shouldn't say it or send it to people.People shouldn't send hate to anyone based on their religous views, sexual orientation, or what they like to do. It's not your life, so you don't know that person. I believe that there are other ways to solve things. I'm not saying to love everyone, no. You can simply just not talk to them. There is no reason to say hurtful things because I personally know people who have self harmed due to hate from people. It not only affects my friends, but me as well. To put an end to this, I'm constantly telling my friends that if they ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Also, if one of my own friends tries to send hate, I don't let them.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why should I Care?

Facebook has recently come out with new changes that to most are extremely confusing and useless at the same time. Even though these improvements are good, the new improvements have caused important privacy problems. This new "privacy" is requiring more information than most people think. This is also making the website look cluttered, not being easy to use.

I would have to say that Facebook has changed for the absolute worse. I think it is so annoying to see every person's move and what they do. I don't care about it at all. I think it is so stupid to see them posting things on other people's walls that I don't even know. If it was up to me, I'd make it go back to the way it was at first. At this point, I feel like myspace is the better choice. It's easier and not so much information is put out there.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Why Men Don't Talk To Women" Video.

I really liked this video. The message the author is trying send is that women only like guys for money. No matter what you look like, if you have money, you'll find someone. I thought it was funny in the first "scene" when the girl ripped the guys heart out because that's how guys usually feel when that happens to them. Even though he got rejected, he kept trying. I thought this video was really funny as well. I liked how he made such a simple drawing make a huge point. I do agree with this video, but not all girls are the same. Even though the girls were portrayed as the "bad guys" notice how he walked past the fat and ugly girl. It shouldn't be all about looks. Everyone is beautiful to someone.

Monday, November 14, 2011

If you don't have the time, don't do the crime.

In this poster, it clearly shows that smoking marijuana is against the law and can get you locked up! Most kids in high school and college are the most common marijuana smokers. The background of the poster is multicolored, because of the effects of marijuana. You get extremely high and start to hallucinate. Your eyes become glassy and red. The leaf is green because it is an herb and natural. the reason why the hand cuffs are over the weed is because it is illegal. Breaking the law no matter how minor it is has severe consequences.
My opinion about this poster is neutral. I don't care about people getting high off an herb. It's that person's decision to smoke and knows the risks when doing so. It's better to smoke something natural than smoking something like a cigarette. I think it's stupid that people get arrested over this when there are more severe crimes out there, but at the same time this doesn't effect me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Technology Can Be Tricky

For our presentations, I decided to use slide rocket because I felt like it was the easiest way to display the information I wanted. I liked using this tool because I found it very creative and I could add several things to this presentation to make it more effective. I would have done this differently because at first I had no idea what to do. The instructions didn't really help me much. After watching the presentations in class, I learned what I had to do and did it. I just wish I knew how to do it to begin with so I could make it better and more thought out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

There is Always A Solution To Every Problem

        As humans, we are constantly looking for ways to get rid of negativity in our lives. Whether it be as simple as wearing a Turkish evil eye or hanging a dream catcher in our bedrooms to keep away nightmares. What it comes down to is they have the same purpose, but have different origins and meanings to them.

       As you're laying in bed about to fall asleep, you can't help but look at the beautiful piece of art hanging on your wall in your room. As your eye lids feel as heavy as an anchor, you feel safe knowing you're going to bed without having to worry about any bad dreams. This hand crafted dream catcher comes in all shapes and sizes. They have a hoop, with yarn inside to look similar to a spider's web. A key to making the dream catcher work, is to place feathers on it to represent life. A feather from an owl represents a woman's wisdom, where as an eagle's feather would signify courage of their father. Morning comes and it's time to start your day, you wake up feeling refreshed as if you are a new person. The sunlight peeks through the window and sun's rays shine on one specific object. This object is a bright blue glass bead with a black dot in the center, resembling an eye. This is the Turkish evil eye. Most women wear them as earrings, bracelets, necklaces or even key chains.

         Long ago in the world of the Ojibwi Nation, dream catchers came to be. According to story tellers, there was a "Spider Woman" who helped bring back the sun to the people. Women used to put spider webs above their child's cradle board because it was said, "They catch and hold everything evil as a spider's web catches and holds everything that comes in contact with it." As for the origin of the evil eye began in Turkey. People with breath taking blue eyes or even an unusual color would send negative and wicked energy to others. Wearing the evil eye shows who you are and what you would like other people to see. It also serves as a shield to protect you from this negativity or evil.

       Even though it's easy to get a hold of these two things, there are rules. With the evil eye, it has to be given to you for it to work. For dream catchers, it's said that if you break it, all your night terrors will come back. Dream catchers are either made of yarn or willow, with that being said they aren't meant to last forever and neither are we. In the end, dream catcher's and the Turkish evil eye may look different, but both protect us.